Q: When is the next meetup?

A: As a rule of thumb, we host our meetups on the First Tuesday of every month.

Q: How do I submit a talk?

A: Our meetups rely on wonderful people like you to speak about python and data related topics. The main talk is 25-30 minutes (with 5 minutes for Q&As), and lightning talks are strictly 5 minutes max. To submit a talk, message us on the Meetup website via the “Contact” button, with your full name, talk’s title, and abstract.

Q: Why don’t we use a larger venue?

A: We limit meetups to 250 members to keep a friendly vibe (can you imagine walking into a room of 1,000 people!?), not to mention the logistics behind a bigger meetup require much more resources, human and otherwise. We are grateful to our host who provide the venue and catering so that meetups are free of charge for our members to attend.

Q: Why am I getting bumped from the waiting list to Yes with only x minutes before a meetup? It’s no good to me because I have to travel y miles!

A: We understand plans change, and sometimes you may have to cancel an RSVP at the last minute. We encourage our members to un-RSVP as early as possible, so that other members on the waiting list have more notice.

Q: Can I contact PyData members about a job opportunity at my company?

A: We welcome community announcements during our meetups, but please do not send group messages via Meetup notice board.

Q: Why is it so hard to get a spot to a meetup?

A: We keep our meetups to 250 members in size to give everyone a great experience (and that includes the organisers and our generous host!). We have thousands of active members, so… well, you can do the maths. Currently, we operate a lottery system so there’s more of an equal chance for our members to attend.

Q: Can we have more meetups?

A: Yes! Our meetups are run by a team of volunteers, who at this time can only afford to organise one event per month. If you want to see more meetups, we encourage you to take matter into your own hands and organise side events, either via PyData umbrella or your own Meetup group. Let us know if you want to get started and we’ll be happy to help!